Top 10 Ways to Win a Nobel Peace Prize
10. Embrace a not-so-subtle bigotry toward Israel.
9. Lose an election to George W. Bush.
8. Become the first President of the United States to be Black.
7. Say nothing better than anyone has said nothing before.
6. Create internment camps for the Japanese during WWII
5. Embrace eugenics.
4. Attack the Moon.
3. Close Gitmo, or at least say you will but don't ever follow through.
2. Apologize to every dictator you can.
1. BUSH LIED!!!1!!!11!!
Also a few ways to ensure you don't win the Nobel Peace Prize
5. Fight Terrorism.
4. Give substantial ammounts of American tax dollars to Africa to fight AIDS.
3. Create a counter-insurgency strategy that effectively wins a war.
2. Put a man on the moon.
1. Defeat the USSR.
Aaron B. Gardner
Crossposted at RedState