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Monday, May 17, 2010

When Israel was in Egypt’s land...

...Let my people go.

Via The Hill

A swarm of "thousands of bees" gathered outside the White House this morning.

I wonder what the other 9 plagues will look like?

Aaron B. Gardner

Crossposted at RedState.

1 comment:

  1. I’m quite puzzled about the swarm of "thousands of bees" gathered outside the White House this morning. I wonder who are these bees. On the other hand, Bristol Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin is joining the, Single Source Speakers, being a motivational speaker on teenage abstinence. Sarah had a child as a adolescent and hopes to inspire numerous young teens to stay from sexual practice all together. Nonetheless, being a young single mom comes with many expenditures, even if you are the daughter of Sarah Palin; and because of these she costs anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 just to have her as a speaker. With that price tag I cannot help but question if she is really carrying this out to motivate youth or if she's doing this for the cash. Sure that isn't many money in reality, but she's an essential life message she’d like to give to youth.


I don't swim in your toilet, so don't piss in my pool.
