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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tax Cheat Expresses Need For More Morality In Congress

Maybe we should create a new Morality Committee and install Rep. Rangel as the chair.

The total lack of shame here would be stunning, but then, he *is* a democrat.

Aaron B. Gardner

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Cure for HIV?

That's what some Germans are saying and have been thinking since 09:

... during the process of immune reconstitution, we found evidence for the replacement of long-lived host tissue cells with donor-derived cells indicating that the size of the viral reservoir has been reduced over time. In conclusion, our results strongly suggest that cure of HIV has been achieved in this patient.

Did you get that? No? Ok, here is a breakdown.

In 07 a German doctor and his team were working with an HIV patient who was also suffering from acute myeloid leukemia. The doctor decided to not only go after the leukemia but also the HIV. The way they did this was with a stem cell transplant, two actually but I am getting ahead of myself.

To try and cure the patient, this team of doctors went and found a specific type of stem cell. The type they were looking for comes about when both parents of the stem cell donor have a genetic defect called CCR5 delta-32 deletion. The defect, when found in both parents, results in the absence of the CCR5 receptors. This makes one highly resistant to HIV.

So now they have the proper stem cells, what's next?

Nuke the immune system then drop in the stem cells. That brings us to the quote above.

What happened next is that the new stem cells, minus the CCR5 receptors, start replacing the old HIV infected cells. At this point the patient is off his HIV meds and not showing signs of HIV.

His leukemia did come back and the docs did another stem cell transplant. Since then, clear sailing. No leukemia and no HIV.

Simply amazing. I thank God for the genius he has left imprinted on his creation.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Adult Stem Cells, not embryonic. Them's the breaks lefties. You laid your wager on death being the path to life. You were wrong.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Individual Mandate Gets Struck Down

Judge Hudson has made his ruling, and the individual mandate didn't pass muster. This isn't the end of Obamacare, but it could be the beginning of the end. For a full rundown of the decision, the good and the bad that may arise from this imperfect ruling, I suggest reading this article on RedState.

I would be remiss if I didn't include a quote from the opinion. This one seems to sum up the tone and end result rather well.

Despite the laudable intentions of Congress in enacting a comprehensive and transformative health care regime, the legislative process must still operate within constitutional bounds. Salutatory goals and creative drafting have never been sufficient to offset an absence of enumerated powers.

Aaron B. Gardner

Thursday, November 25, 2010

“We have many things for which to be thankful. None is more important than our liberty.”
Happy Thanksgiving

h/t Jim Hoft

In a minute and a half Reagan managed to instill hope by acknowledging the blessings we've been given and recognizing Him he gave us those blessings.

By comparison, Obama took just over four minutes to say the same things he says everyday with nary a mention of where our blessing come from or who exactly we should be thankful too. Essentially, President Obama just politicized Thanksgiving.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful that God gave us the wisdom to limit our Government.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Aaron B. Gardner

Monday, November 22, 2010

For a Good Time, Call 1-866-GROPE-ME
SNL Destroys the TSA

"What are you waiting for, I want to check under your testicles."

Aaron B. Gardner

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

30 Years Ago Today a Sea of Blue Washed Over America.
Remembering Reagan

Character, class, humility.

We miss you Ronnie.

Aaron B. Gardner

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hayek v. Keynes II
Dead economists discuss our dead economy. #rsrh

h/t NRO

The team that brought us the rapping economists in "Fear the Boom and Bust" are back with another installment, kinda. The new video is a sneak peek of the soon to be released sequel.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The quick and dirty on the new Monmouth #DESen Poll

Christine O'Donnell has cut Chris Coons' lead by 9 according to Monmouth's newly released


In the past two weeks, Republican Christine O’Donnell has narrowed Democrat Chris Coons’ lead in Delaware’s U.S. Senate race from 19 points to 10 points. The latest Monmouth University Poll finds Coons has the support of 51% of likely voters to 41% for O’Donnell. Two weeks ago, this race stood at 57% to 38%.

Christine O'Donnell is winning indies...

O’Donnell has also made gains among independent voters, now leading Coons 47% to 42% among this voting bloc. Two weeks ago, she trailed in the independent vote by 51% to 41%.

Her messaging is working...

60 House seats and 8 Senate seats, so says @krautammer #rsrh

Krauthammer destroys Obama and Gibbs in his summary of campaign 2010. He also lays out his prediction - 60 in the House, 8 in the Senate. For myself, I predict - 70/9 with a 50/50 chance of hitting 10.

What do you think?

Amplify’d from

Obama, to his credit, did not get elected to do midnight basketball or school uniforms. No Bill Clinton, he. Obama thinks large. He wants to be a consequential president on the order of Ronald Reagan. His forthright attempt to undo the Reagan revolution with a new burst of expansive liberal governance is the theme animating this entire election.

Democratic apologists would prefer to pretend otherwise — that it’s all about the economy and the electorate’s anger over its parlous condition. Nice try. The most recent CBS/New York Times poll shows that only one in twelve Americans blames the economy on Obama, and seven in ten think the downturn is temporary. And yet, the Democratic party is falling apart. Democrats are four points behind among women, a constituency Democrats had owned for decades; a staggering 20 points behind among independents (a 28-point swing since 2008); and 20 points behind among college graduates, giving lie to the ubiquitous liberal conceit that the Republican surge is the revenge of lumpen know-nothings.

On November 2, a punishing there will surely be. But not quite the kind Obama is encouraging.

My prediction: The Dems lose 60 House seats, eight in the Senate. Rangers in seven. 


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jeep fans will like this post.
Open Thread


Aaron B. Gardner

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Taking down the Widener Law version of the 1st Amendment. #DESen @ChristineOD

The below I got in email from a friend. It's a pretty definitive smackdown of Erin Daly, the Law Professor from Widener who thought it smart to trash Delaware Republican Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell on the 1st Amendment and "Separation of Church and State".



Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Faculty Research and Development

Widener Law

Christine was absolutely right about "Separation of Church and State" not being in the First Amendment or the Constitution. As I am sure you know, but may not admit, the phrase "Separation of Church and State" comes from a letter from President Jefferson to a private group. It did not appear in Supreme Court decisional law until Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. 145, 164 (1878), a hundred years after the Revolution.

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between a man and his God; that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship; that the legislative powers of the government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”—Thomas Jefferson, letter to the Danbury, Connecticut, Baptists.

The First Amendment was ratified in 1791, a dozen years before the Supreme Court’s 1803 decision in Marbury v. Madison.

On NPR and Juan Williams.
Holding to it's principles, NPR fires Juan for speaking the truth.

In case you haven't heard yet, Juan Williams was fired by the taxpayer subsidized NPR (National Public Radio). He was fired for saying that he too has anxiety when he sees people in Muslim garb on a plane with him. He was fired for telling the truth, as Erick Erickson noted in the linked post.

Juan's anxiety is a completely normal human response to a traumatic event perpetrated by people citing their Muslim faith as reason and justification for the same. Juan was speaking from his own experience, with empathy for others who have also suffered losses due to Islamic Terrorism.

Despite these natural human inclinations, Juan went on to explain that we shouldn't lump everyone together. To a degree I think Juan is correct. We shouldn't let stereotypes cloud our judgments, nor should we allow a PC culture to do the same.

Even with these qualifications on his overall statements, NPR decided to fire him. He simply wasn't toeing the line for the NPR mission. This is a good point that I will briefly address after the full O'Reilly segment.

Monday, October 18, 2010

1, 2, 3, Currahee

About a year ago my father died and over this past year, not a day has gone by that I didn't think of him. Sometimes those thoughts would bring pain, other times joy. Today I was checking out the blogs looking for something interesting to read/watch when I found a post on iOwntherworld. The title was Currahee, and I immediately smiled.

Before even watching the video in the post, I was already thinking of my father proudly. For those who don't know, not that you would, my father was in the 101st Airborne in Vietnam. More specifically, he was an artilleryman on FSP Ripcord in 1970. It is an honor to have had a father that fought with "The Stand Alone Battalion", 2nd Battalion (Currahees), 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile).

I also think that my father would be happy and honored to know that the Curahees are still amazing soldiers who defy all the odds.

Get your tissues ready...

1, 2, 3 Currahee!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Smart Band with Smartphones
Giving Techno a New Meaning

h/t to Instupundit

Having had their instruments "stolen", Atomic Tom decided to put on an impromptu concert with their iPhones.

I have been to far worse concerts.

Consider this an open thread.

Aaron B. Gardner

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Imagine a Jump
Saturday Open Thread

This is a mashup of Imagine by John Lennon and Jump by Van Halen. As odd as that may sound, it's actually pretty dang brilliant.


Aaron B. Gardner

Friday, October 15, 2010

New Background on the Site.

I know it is probably such a subtle change that my 3 readers didn't even notice, but I changed the background just now.

It used to be a stock woodsy photo all blurred up. I didn't like it but it was a close in stock match for a Vermont feel when I first revamped this blog.

I decided to change it, and start blogging here again, earlier this week when I took this picture just down the road from where I live.


Living here certainly has it's benefits. I get to see some of God's great handiwork every day.

I am truly blessed.

Aaron B. Gardner

Still, another new ad from @ChristineOD #DESen

In this ad Christine O'Donnell, Republican candidate for Delaware Senate, has a Wilmington City Councilman talk about Chris "The Bearded Marxist" Coons tax policy.

Go Christine!

Aaron B. Gardner

Delaware's Problem Isn't Christine O'Donnell.
If I lived in Delaware I would be looking for Tom Ross' replacement.

I know that it's become popular to get all down in the dumps about the Delaware Senate race. I know that it's all a "done deal" and no amount of campaigning or prodding can change the outcome. The die has been cast.

Alea iacta est.

These words were made famous when Julius Caesar spoke them as he led his army across the Rubicon. Caesar was now in direct defiance and civil war and past the point of no return.

O'Donnell won her primary despite the best efforts of the Delaware GOP and Castle. This race was a contentious one and it has been, more than any other, like a civil war between the moderate and conservative factions of the party.

Since her win she has largely been on her own, still fighting the smears on the left and the potshots from the right. She has had to do all the post primary work, like reuniting the party, without the assistance of the State party. Despite this she has launched what I think is a good ad campaign combined with mailings. She also beat Coons in back to back debates in a matter of 24 hours.

At this point, two weeks out from election day and 2 debates left, a new Rasmussen poll shows Coons at 51% and O'Donnell at 40%.

Now ask yourself this.

If the Delaware GOP had held just one event for O'Donnell since the primary, could this race be closer?

If the Delaware GOP had posted a full throated endorsement of O'Donnell, might that have caused this race to tighten?

Peter Shumlin (D) Drops in on Brian Dubie's Campaign HQ. #VTGov #RGA

I bet Shumlin thought it would be really clever to bring T.V. cameras down to Dubie campaign HQ 45 minutes prior to a debate. I also bet he didn't expect to be engaged in a losing debate with one of the campaign workers.

Oops. Thanks for the donuts though, in fact, that inspired the VT GOP to ask for 12 dollar donations to honor the dozen donut debate.

Well played Peter, well played.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Dubie for Vermont.

P.P.S. Phil Scott too.

P.P.P.S Did I mention Len Britton for Senate?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Democrats for Brian Dubie #VTGot

I certainly hope that Brian wins this, along with Phil Scott as Lt. Gov and a few good recruits running for the State legislature. It's possible we could see Vermont begin it's long climb out of its malaise.

Aaron B. Gardner

Republicans hitting their media stride. Two examples, Buck and Miller. #AKSen #COSen

Both of which are backed by Sen. DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund.

First up is Ken Buck, Republican challenger to incumbent Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet:

This ad had an almost Gahndi like message to it. "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.” Buck reminds me of the happy conservatives of old, Reagan and Kemp style. I think the people of Colorado will be very responsive to this ad. Well done Buck.

Next up is Joe Miller, Republican challenger to Democrat Scott Adams and incumbent Senator - and traitor to her party, - Lisa "Princess" Murkowski:

Joe is having a good time here. The Old Spice ads have become an instant classic in pop culture and capitalizing on that is a smart move by the Miller campaign. Smacking around Murkowski for her entitlement attitude was just icing on top of this already delicious cake. Well played Joe.

Seeing these ads come from these two candidates is no surprise. After all, like I noted above, they are backed by Sen. DeMint and his Senate Conservatives Fund.

Aaron B. Gardner

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Double Miracle* Evening Open Thread.

Tonight there were two miracles, 33 Chilean miners were successfully rescued and Christine O'Donnell trounced Chris Coons in a debate that was focused evenly on character and policy.  As the Phoenix capsule rose from deep in the earth pulling one miner after another back to safety, O'Donnell also rose.

Christine O'Donnell rose above the personal attacks on her.  She spoke with maturity not only about the issues she will face in D.C. as a representative of Delaware, but also her own issues.  Issues she has faced and overcome as a conservative.

While CNN decided to cut away from the live debate when it was apparent that Coons was struggling and O'Donnell was outperforming, CSPAN continued their coverage.  Unfazed by losing his own network, Blitzer aided Coons the best he could.  I won't recap the whole debate here, but it is obvious that O'Donnell's prep time with Palin's debate coach was time well spent.  To the unbiased eye, O'Donnell clearly won.

O'Donnell took advantage of this debate to show she is a serious thinker and a serious candidate.  Will that turn to votes?  I don't know, but I suspect after tonights performance there will be a round of polling that will let us know.

Consider this an open thread.

Aaron B. Gardner

*  Actually, O'Donnell's performance isn't really a miracle.  The Dems will call it that, but we all know they don't believe in God**.

**  What?  It's just a joke.  Like when Coons said he was a "bearded Marxist" when he got back from studying in Kenya.  NTTAWWT IYKWIMAITYD

P.S.  Don't forget the #1013Bomb on Twitter
Crossposted at

Ssshhhhhh!!!! I'm back.

I am going to try and start posting here again. No promises, we'll see how it goes.

In a few minutes I will be posting on the Delaware Senate debate between Coons and O'Donnell.


Aaron B. Gardner.

Monday, June 21, 2010

A revealing weekend of rest.

To my 12 loyal fans,

I apologize, but I am shutting down this blog. It's pointless really. We live in a world that despises virtue and I haven't the time, nor the heart, to preach to an unwilling audience.

In addition to closing out this blog I am also stopping all of my political activism, it just isn't worth the time away from my wife, daughter and son.

For the last 3 years I have done all I could, with the limited abilities I have, to inform others of what is going on in our nation. Unfortunately, nobody cares. Especially in Vermont where people would rather engage in windmill tilting sessions about secession and other idiotic ideas.

On the national level I have seen too much to believe that even with the "right" people elected there will be any real reform.

So, I leave 10 more jaded than when I began and with less money in my pocket due to political donations which have largely gone to waste.

I am going to go enjoy my limited freedom while I still have it.


Aaron B. Gardner

Friday, June 18, 2010

Gone Fishin'

Ok, before I head out for the weekend to go fishing and camping, let me do a quick roundup of what I saw on the internet today.

Kim Jong Ill has told his people to look to private industry in order not to starve. Guess he didn't have the stones for Holodomor.

The Euroconomy is also rejecting the planned economy and Keynesian theories, while D.C. is embracing the same at record pace. For the life of me, I can't find the link!!

Rush and Elton John are friends, so are Elton and Israel.

The White House will be suing AZ for enforcing federal law.

Half of independents don't believe Obama deserves a second term.

Last but not least, Will Folks has endorsed Nikki Haley. This after having claimed an inappropriate physical relationship with Haley. 14:59 indeed.

Welcome to bizzaro world, enjoy your stay.

Aaron B. Gardner

Elton John is well on his way to being hated by the Left

H/t Dan Riehl

First there was his performance at Satan's wedding, now he is being nice to the evil Jooooooooooos.

John, who wore blue-tinted sunglasses, told the audience those cancellations "ain't gonna stop me from playing here, baby."


John swiped at those artists, saying, "We do not cherry-pick our consciences," before hitting the opening chords of his 1972 hit "Crocodile Rock."

Just goes to show, spend some time with Limbaugh and you will understand "The Way Things Ought To Be".

Aaron B. Gardner

#rsrh American Exceptionalism: Brought to You by The RGA

Via the RGA

Well said my friends.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. If you like this sort of stuff, you may want to donate to the RGA so they can do more.

A "musical crash course in reality perception"*

h/t Power Line

Caroline Glick and her troop, famous for the "We Conned the World" video, have a new video posted.

There is much more at Power Line, do make sure to read the whole thing.

So, how long will this one last on youtube?

Aaron B. Gardner

* Title credit to Caroline Glick

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama: Signatory Member*
You can tell a lot from a man's signature...

Via BigFurHat at iOwntheworld

Not sure what to say other than go, read, laugh.

Trust me.

Aaron B. Gardner

* It was either that or a Hancock joke I guess. What's that? You haven't heard the Hancock joke?

Fine, hear it is...

The Bow Tied Dweeb Vs. Superman

H/t The Other Mccain

Mark Steyn won't be issuing a correction his piece on Honor Killings in America. Apparently, there is no need.

The 2009 NYT piece Friedersdorf cities as evidence that the Times does so totally cover domestic "honor killings" is, in fact, the self-same piece Miss Chesler and I cite, in which the Times pooh-poohs the notion that the decapitation of a Muslim woman in Buffalo counts as an "honor killing". Maybe one of his many editors could explain to Friedersdorf that there's more to argument than just running your search terms through Nexis. Even being a snippy dweeb requires a certain amount of finesse.

By the way, should Friedersdorf ever seriously consider the disparity in reporting of Honor Killings, he might want to start with Atlas Shrugs as a source.

Aaron B. Gardner

How To Endorse A Candidate

Via Moe Lane

You may remember Dale Peterson from his other campaign ad, you know, the one that moved him from 5% in the polls to 28%. Yeah, and that was without him even firing his weapon. My money is on John McMillan winning.

Aaron B. Gardner

Two Faced Kitten*
Open Thread

Aaron B. Gardner

Lincoln Continues To Get Trounced By Boozman
Obamacare is an Albatross

Republican candidate, John Boozman, leads his Democrat opponent, Blanche Lincoln, by a 2 to 1 margin. This has been so for a while in the head to head match ups. The reason why, as noted by Rasmussen, is Obamacare.

Lincoln, who is seeking a third term in the Senate, was reelected in 2004 with 56% of the vote. But she has been struggling politically at home since late last year following her procedural vote that kept the national health care bill alive in the Senate.

Voters in Arkansas have consistently opposed the health care bill more strongly than voters in much of the rest of the country. Sixty-five percent (65%) of voters in the state now favor repeal of the health care bill, while 30% oppose repeal. This includes 57% who Strongly Favor repeal and 20% who are Strongly Opposed.

Hey, there's that same 2 to 1 margin again, interesting.

And no, not even the first Black President can save her.

Human Beat Box
Overnight Open Thread

Impressive. I'd give it a 10 if it weren't for the poor conditioning displayed at the end. So, 9.2

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Check out the Conservative Punditry - Online Store for my reading list and tools for activism.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cost Saving Electronic Medical Records
Made of Unicorn Farts and Pixie Dust

You may remember, in February of this year, the Obama Administration announced $975 million in grants to help states, doctors and hospitals move from paper to computerized record-keeping. That is almost a billion dollars.

That's ok though because, as AP pointed out then via ABC...

Studies show electronic medical records help reduce medical errors and improve the quality of patient care. The grant money comes from the economic stimulus passed by Congress last year and is part of a push to get health care providers to adopt electronic record-keeping.

The White House says the awards will help make electronic record-keeping technologies available to more than 100,000 hospitals and primary care physicians by the year 2014 while helping train thousands of people for careers in health care and information technology.

Studies show? Well, let's look into the future via my time machine*, across the pond to the UK and the NHS.

Electronic patient care records will require an "enormous effort" and a "high cost" to fulfil their potential, a study warns.

#rsrh RNC takes a "swing" at Obama's golfing

Via Allahpundit

Sadly, I agree with Allahpundit...

Bush’s golfing was Big News because it fit the “out of touch” icy-hearted Republican stereotype; Obama, by contrast, gets to sway along to the end of “Hey Jude” with nary a peep uttered in the press because they know that, between those “na na na nas,” he’s aching for the gulf’s shrimping industry.

Make sure to read the whole thing.

Aaron B. Gardner

Dana Loesch and Erick Erickson in Playboy!!

H/t, oddly enough, to Dana Loesch.

In an article entitled "Rogues of K Street" an anonymous consultant paints a picture of the core Tea Party movement and some of it's movers and shakers for Playboy. One of these Tea Partiers is none other than Dana Loesch, of which our anonymous author writes...

Loesch is the sweet Midwestern goth version of Laura Ingraham. At the Conservative Political Action Conference she had a constant stream of such interviewees as Phyllis Schlafly, Ann Coulter, Ken Blackwell and Newt Gingrich. She fits right in, except she doesn’t look like a troll.Moore is one tough gal. Her Twitter bio reads, "Smart Girl Politics Director of Technology & Midwest RC, Political Troublemaker, Spy. Bodybuilder. I’m not mean, you’re just a sissy."

Sounds like your average girl next door to me.

Also mentioned is Erick Erickson, whom I write with on RedState. Erick is quoted in relation to the question of truthers in the Tea Party... blogger Erick Erickson wrote, "In Texas, Tea Party activists have rallied to Debra Medina, who just yesterday refused to definitely dismiss the 9/11 truther conspiracy as crackpot nonsense. If a candidate cannot do that, we cannot help that candidate. It’s that simple."

The anonymous consultant builds from there...

Our candidate-interview process is pretty simple. The candidate is asked two questions:
(1) Are you a birther?
(2) Are you a truther?
If the answer is anything but "no" or "hell no," the conversation ends right there. If the candidate answers correctly, the conversation continues, looking at viability and whether we can have a worthwhile impact. The reality of this litmus test is as patriotic as practical. Donors don’t contribute to lunatics.

In general, if you adhere to conspiracy theory there is a good chance that you are a brand of crazy that conservatives, whether you call us Tea Partiers or not, just can't abide.

The article closes with a glimpse at the budding relations between these shadowy masters of activism and elected members of Congress...

Various Republican congressional leaders met for hours with our leadership and our finance team in the Richard Nixon suite at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington. Never in my career had I had a congressman look me in the eyes behind closed doors and say with such sincerity, "Give me a list of what you need me to do." The second meeting drew 10 congressmen. There we sat, inside the Capitol Hill Club (which shares the building that houses the Republican National Committee), sharing ideas on how we can work together. The third meeting drew 17 congressmen. We’ll see help with fundraising and research from friendly members of Congress. It’s what you won’t see that’s more important. Our role is to quietly help a dozen grassroots conservative candidates win in the fall, using traditional and nontraditional means. If you don’t hear from us directly, we will have done our job.

Make sure to read the whole thing.

Aaron B. Gardner

Boy, That Escalated Quickly
Don't Jaywalk in Seattle

Via the NY Daily News comes video of a Seattle cop attempting to arrest a 17 year old for jaywalking...

Again, this was for jaywalking.

Things began when an unnamed police officer spotted a teen jaywalking across Martin Lurther King Jr. Way South around 3:10 p.m.


"The officer instructed the females to step over to his vehicle," officials said. "They were verbally antagonistic."

When one of the women, a 19-year-old, began to walk away, the officer approached her and escorted her back.

"The female subject began to tense up her arm and pull away from the officer while yelling at him," police said.

Then as the Officer is struggling with the teen, a second lady attempts to intervene/interfere...

As the officer and the 17-year-old struggled with one another, the woman can be seen pushing the officer, who then responds by punching her in the face.

The crowd reacted with shock, and a voice is heard saying, "Are you serious?!"

Yeah, it did.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Another reason to always have a Flip UltraHD Camcorder, 120 Minutes (Black) camera.

#rsrh Renee Ellmers (R-Cand) #NC02 47 seconds of #pwn

Via Allahpundit, and if you need back story on this then follow the links in AP's post or check out this and this.


Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Should you ever be in the circumstances where you wish you had a camera you will kick yourself for not having had clicked below.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Long as I can see the light
Evening Open Thread

CCR always sets me right.

Aaron B. Gardner

#flotilla I agree with Bill Maher on Israel
Holy s#^% my head just exploded.

H/t Dana Loesch

If this isn't a sign of Obama's failure, and the coming apocalypse, I just don't know what is.

Aaron B. Gardner

#rsrh Gore Cheating on Tipper with Larry David's Wife?
Drudge: Yes Ace: Not so sure

H/t Ace

Ace explains why he is buying the the story of Gore's infidelity.

Now, I'ma gonna go ahead and call BS on this, because, if there's one thing I've noticed about gay dudes (Hillbuzz, I'm looking at you), it's that they are too frequently claiming to "know" sexual stuff that I simply don't believe they know.

They "know" this guy is gay (friend of a friend got chatted up by him, swearsies!) etc. They seem to gossip a lot and claim to be closer to the source of the information. (Like, not that there's just a "rumor" going around, but that they know someone who can actually vouch, first-hand, for the information).

Annoying. Sorry, I think most gays know exactly as much about John Travolta's sex life as I do. Which is to say, none. I know none about it, as Nigel Tuflnel might say.


Make sure to read the whole thing.

Exit question: Why is he cheating on Gaia by mingling with mere mortals?

Aaron B. Gardner

Content, must provide content...
The "I am still working" Open Thread

Ok, short blast of things you can read and a music video for you to watch.


Neil Stevens over at Unlikely Voter has two new articles up on Maine and Washington. While you are there you can check out the Swingometer.

People should listen when Moe Lane proclaims DOOM.

Gaffes and a check on Etheridge

Robert Costa brings news of a new Mark Kirk gaffe, but honestly ... it would seem any soldier whether active, reserve or guard, would potentially be hamstrung when running for office. I understand the need for soldiers to separate their participation in activism, but running for office should probably be excepted in some way.

Moe also offers up the most succinct wrap up of the Etheridge affair that I have yet seen.

Misc and a Video

Check out Bill Whittle's "Return To GITMO" [sub may be required] for a good story and message about our troops there.

Off the Page with Cain and Geraghty discussing Tea Parties and our Western candidates.

And now your video [Warning, while safe for work this may cause permanent damage to your soul]...

Hit the tip jar or there will be no warning next time. ;)

Aaron B. Gardner

From the "Exactly What You'd Expect" Files
DeMint Leads Greene

Via Rasmussen

DeMint, who is seeking a second six-year term, earns support from 58% of Likely Voters in South Carolina, while Democratic nominee Alvin Greene picks up 21% of the vote. Nine percent (9%) like some other candidate, and 13% are undecided.

No time for witty breakdown, work calls.

Aaron B. Gardner

Slow Day.

I won't be writing today unless something changes drastically and quickly.

Til next time.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. This is what happens when blogging is a hobby rather than a paid gig.

P.P.S. That reminds me, any golfers in the house?

Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Overnight Open Thread

Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news
My head's been wet with the midnight dew
I've been down on bended knee, talkin' to the man from Galilee
He spoke to me in the voice so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel's feet
He called my name and my heart stood still
When he said, "John go do My will!"

You tell em' Johnny.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. It would be awesome if some industrious GOP'er was able to get the rights to that and create a slew of campaign commercials from it. Alas, I don't know any and the RNC and I aren't really sharing emails.

Monday, June 14, 2010

#rsrh Palin to meet with Thatcher

Via the Guardian

At face value they have little in common. Thatcher, 84, was a grocer's daughter from Grantham in Lincolnshire; Palin, 46, was born to a science teacher and school secretary in Sandpoint, Idaho. Thatcher cultivated a reputation for steely determination; Palin is better known for her hockey-mom ways and winning smile. Thatcher did not suffer fools gladly; Palin has struggled not to play the fool.

Ahh, the wit of the Brits. Then again, this is the Guardian, they probably don't like Thatcher either...

But they share a love of tax cutting and hostility towards organised labour, and Palin in her Facebook message called Thatcher "one of my political heroines" and role models. She said the elder woman had created a blueprint for "overcoming the odds and challenges of the status quo".

Putting aside the barbs for a moment, this will be a very important meeting for Sarah Palin. Thatcher is certainly no slouch and a gleaming endorsement, as it were, of Palin would go a long way in solidifying her credentials. This is also an opportunity to make an alliance that would serve her well on the world stage.

It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Aaron B. Gardner

#rsrh "We Are Not Going To Have Arrogant Uncountable Government"
Nikki Haley's New Ad

Via Jim Gerahty at Campaign Spot

And yes Jim, I think that last line is meant to deal with precisely with that issue.

Let's donate here to help her continue dealing with that issue.

Aaron B. Gardner

Rep. Etheridge Blames The Victim
She shouldn't have been dressed like that Officer

So, Democrat thug Rep. Etheridge offers the typical non-apology apology after footage of him assaulting a young man was posted on youtube. He says he watched the video and in retrospect was wrong. Sort of.

Let's watch the video again so it is fresh on our minds...

Now let's look at Rep. Bob "The Bully" Etheridge's apology...

"I have seen the video posted on several blogs," says Etheridge. "I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction, and I apologize to all involved. Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse."

Now let me translate that...

You think you can play guitar?

Think again...

Thanks to my buddy Craig for showing me this. It will either inspire me to pick up my guitar or set it down ... forever.

Aaron B. Gardner

Conservative Resurgence Affecting Democrats in 2010
Also, Can Someone *SMACK* Josh Marshall

So, let me set the stage: Jennifer Bendery and John McArdle write an article on Roll Call [subscription required] on the the political dynamics of President Clinton being a campaign proxy for President Obama throughout the 2010 cycle.

The article does well in explaining were the public and Obama disagree on policy and how Clinton manages to somewhat close that gap. For example...

Clinton is likely to be more appealing to Democrats than Obama would be for a number of reasons, one longtime Democratic media consultant said. For starters, Clinton, a centrist Southerner, has more flexibility to campaign in different regions of the country than the current president.

Additionally, “You can always count on Bill Clinton to not only excite the base but to make a very pointed and rational economic argument. Voters think we got it absolutely right in the 1990s, economically, when he was president,” said the media consultant.
[emphasis added]

... In the qoute above we see that on economics in particular even Democrats would like a more centrist fiscal agenda, one like we had in the 90's. You know, when the Republicans controlled the purse strings.

But I digress, back the the Roll Call article. In West Virginia, where coal is king, we have our next example...

#rsrh Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-NC) Assaults Citizen - *Update* **Update Again and Again**

** Welcome readers from Moe Lane and Instapundit passing through Moe Lane. Click for an update on Rep. Etheridge's non-apology apology

Hello Readers from NRO's The Campaign Spot, see link above for story update.
**End Update**

Via Breitbart, Rep. Bob Etheridge needs a talking to on constituent services.


Meet this bully's competition [h/t Moe Lane]...

That, is Renee Ellmers.

Here is where you donate.

You can also follow her on twitter and Facebook.

*End Update*

Couple of other things for you to check out this morning.

Moe Lane on mineral find in Afghanistan.

And for a laugh, check out Sad Keanu by Caleb Howe.

Be back later with something more bloggy.

Aaron B. Gardner

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Reagan On Blame for the Recession

This post by Moe Lane got me thinking about the differences between Reagan and Obama and how they take responsibility. That led me to this video clip of President Reagan pwning Sam Donaldson.

Aaron B. Gardner

As the Obama withdrawal from Iraq ramps up, so does violence

From the Guardian comes the headline Iraqi Central Bank raided by militants disguised in military uniforms

The senior officer said scores of militants then entered the eight-story building in an apparent attempt to rob the vaults, known to hold gold bars, millions of dollars in cash and Iraqi dinars.

The attack intensified with each explosion, and within minutes gunfire was resounding throughout Baghdad's oldest merchant district, Rashid Street, forcing shopkeepers to barricade their premises and flee.

"The police were shooting everywhere, in the air and randomly," one vendor, who abandoned his clothes shop, said. "I don't know what was left behind, but there were explosions all the time."

Read the whole thing.

Aaron B. Gardner

Goldwater on Firing Line

This just felt timely.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. If you don't own Conscience of a Conservative you should.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

LEGO Printer

This is pretty dang cool.

Also, this guy obviously has way too much time on his hands*.

Aaron B. Gardner

* Says the guy blogging about this on a Saturday afternoon. Yeah, the irony is not lost on me.

P.S. If you want to do this at home you may need the below...

Ace on Charles Johnson and hat tip's

Whole lot of inside baseball going on in this post by Ace.

Quick version, slapping "h/t [insert blog here]" and then lifting the whole story provides no value to the blogger being linked.

Now, as a relative newbie on the blogging scene I found this post very helpful. I now know what not to do. Anyone interested in not pissing off Ace and having him "hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats" should probably read the whole thing*.

Now, if Ace could just tell me what the deal is with getting trackbacks**.

Aaron B. Gardner

* Did I do that right Ace?

** Yeah, I know you aren't Allah and I probably should be asking him rather than you, but I am a newbie without the types of relationships and contacts that you have Ace. ;)

SALT: I think I will have to see this.

I don't go to the theater for many movies, but in this case I may make an exception.

Action, violence, espionage and Angelina Jolie ... who could ask for more?

Aaron B. Gardner

I think Cicero would have been Pro-Life

But the most foolish notion of all is the belief that everything is just which is found in the customs or laws of nations ... What of the many deadly, the many pestilential statutes which nations put in force?

These no more deserve to be called laws than the rules a band of robbers might pass in their assembly. For if ignorant and unskillful men have prescribed deadly poisons instead of healing drugs, these cannot possibly be called physicians' prescriptions; neither in a nation can a statute of any sort be called a law, even though the nation, in spite of being a ruinous regulation has accepted it.

(Ebenstein, Great Political Thinkers)

What say you?

Aaron B. Gardner

#rsrh Bob McConnell on the 2nd Amendment

Via Breitbart h/t Allahakchew of Jawa

Um, hell yeah!

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. The man said he needs your help.

#rsrh Reagan at the Brandenburg Gate

Thanks to the iOwntheworld crew for the reminder of todays significance...

Damn. A lot has changed in 23 years, hasn't it?

Out of the 44 Presidents we have had as a nation it really is remarkable how many could not hold a candle to Ronaldus Maximus.

Equally remarkable is that we have survived as a nation for two plus centuries despite this being the case.

Aaron B. Gardner

iPhone4 vs. Jane Lynch

Jane Lynch is funny is a way that is almost disturbing.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. You can catch more of Jane's odd humor on Glee.

Friday, June 11, 2010

#rsrh I disagree with Allahpundit

Kung Fu? Really?

No, Chris Christie is a fricken Jedi.

And not one of those silly Hayden Christensen ones either.

He has homeless people sticking up for capitalist policies in a state that has embraced welfare for generations.

Chris Christie is what happens when Mace Windu and Yoda procreate.

If Chris Christie isn't elected president in the next 16 years it is either because he died, or the Union has dissolved and we appointed him King.

Aaron B. Gardner

W: Facebook Inaugural Address

h/t Little Miss Attila

And yes, I miss him. In fact, I have missed him since the day he passed the keys to the White House to it's current occupant.

Aaron B. Gardner

Zo Knowledge: Ashton, Oil, Pagans and Ted

I especially like the "Mighty Fix It" contraception program. 100% Effective.

Aaron B. Gardner

There are a thousand legs out there in the world...

...But there is only a very few paratroopers.

"All the way"

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. What do paratroopers have instead of legs? Landing gear.

Charlie Crist: Quisling Ass

Via Erick Erickson at RedState comes news of another betrayal by the Orange Prince of Florida.

This one appears to be a double whammy sure to piss off not only the SoCons but also the FisCons.

In a stroke of the pen Gov Charlie Crist vetoed HB 1143.

As Erick quotes from the Florida House Majority's Facebook page...

Provisions to ensure taxpayer dollars were not used to pay for elective abortions were contained in HB 1143

...But that isn't it. No, it's just not enough these days to sacrifice the unborn for convenience. Crist has also stopped the Florida government from making responsible reforms to the Florida Agency For Healthcare Administration, which again as noted by Erick, "sav[es] taxpayers in Florida over a million dollars."

Charlie Crist is a quisling ass, this should now be apparent to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.

Seriously, I would piss all over Charlie if I didn't think he would enjoy it so much.

Aaron B. Gardner


Marco Rubio on Morning Joe: Oil Spill

"Government is big and it's burdensome, but it is also broken"

You can say that again, and I am sure he will.

There is no doubt in my mind that this man will be a force to be reckoned with as Florida's Senator.

Let's make sure he gets that chance.

Aaron B. Gardner

It was only a matter of time...

Before someone made this connection in the Alvin Greene Democrat debacle in S.C.

Thank goodness that iOwntheworld exists ... they bring the funny.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Forrest Gump on Blu-Ray only 15.99

Guinness: The Choice of Bloggers

The other evening I wrote this little post from my phone while enjoying my pint.

Today I see this.

I think it goes without saying that the Anchoress is now in my Google Reader.

Aaron B. Gardner


Animal is still my favorite muppet, but beaker scores major points for this one.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Get the special edition Season One DVD below...

L.A. Log Cabin Republicans Score Own Goal


Contestants can buy a tea bag and win a prize if they toss it into the open "mouths" of three politicians: gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown (D), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin.

As if we don't have enough Democrats musing sexually about our 2008 Vice Presidential nominee. Seriously, the Log Cabin Republicans pull garbage like this and then wonder why they don't get official recognition by the GOP.

Here is a hint you depraved fools ... Quit attacking Republican standard bearers with sexually explicit "jokes" and you may get taking seriously for a moment.

Scott Schmidt, president of of Log Cabin-Los Angeles, provides the below as an excuse for his Palin bashing:

Palin was an attempt to be nonpartisan and he noted that she raised the sales tax while mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

So, raising taxes as a mayor of Wasilla, Alaska is justification enough to submit Palin to sexual objectification in California. Got it.

this is especially stupid considering Sarah Palin endorsed Carly Fiorina who just happens to be running to replace "Ma'am" Boxer as California's Senator.

Great job morons.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. I suggest the next time Barney Frank votes to raise our taxes the L.A. Log Cabin Republicans should have a game where you get to shove a corn cob up his ass. All in fun, right.

Chic Shitters?


I hear the limited edition Huggies G-String diapers for girls didn't test well.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Hit the tip jar or else I will post more of this ... errr, crap?

#rsrh Shocked! ACORN works for Democrats.

I know, I know ... Who would have ever imagined that?

Via Daily Caller and Judicial Watch h/t Michelle Malkin.

Apparently the FBI imagined that back in 2007 when they were investigating ACORN and employees told them they committed voter registration fraud and worked for the Democratic party.

Now, I know the left will scream that this isn't voter fraud and so it had no real impact on elections. To that I will refer them to this from the Daily Caller article: ACORN employee said the purpose of “[f]raudulent cards” was “[t]o cause confusion on election day to keep polls open longer,” “[t]o allow people who can’t vote to vote,” and “[t]o allow to vote multiple times.”

Presumably this is from one of the 8 ACORN employees who plead guilty to voter registration fraud.

At this point we have to ask of our Organizer in Chief, what did you know and when did you know it. It appears, as reported in the Daily Caller article, that Judicial Watch is already asking...

“These documents show the need for a national criminal investigation by the Obama Justice Department into ACORN,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.

“Is Attorney General [Eric] Holder doing nothing because of Obama’s close connections to ACORN and Project Vote? The information in these new documents has national implications that cry out for further investigation,” Fitton said.

Again, with good reason...

President Obama’s ties to ACORN go back to the 1980s.

“ACORN noticed him when he was organizing on the far south side of the city with the Developing Communities Project,” according to Toni Foulkes, a former member of ACORN’s national board. From 1985 to 1988 Obama ran the Developing Communities Project from an office located in Chicago’s Holy Rosary Church.

Exit question ... Would using a church to perform voter registration fraud be a cardinal or mortal sin?

Aaron B. Gardner

Across the Universe

When did they stop making real music like this?

I am sure that somehow Bush is to blame.

Aaron B. Gardner

Thursday, June 10, 2010

#rsrh Meg Whitman = Joseph Goebbels?

Thank the Lord that Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown is running for CA Governor again.

I mean, if he wasn't we would miss out on such profound insights like this from Politico:

"You know, by the time she's done with me, two months from now, I'll be a child-molesting..." Sovern quoted Brown saying. "She'll have people believing whatever she wants about me."

Then he added, "It's like Goebbels...Goebbels invented this kind of propaganda. He took control of the whole world. She wants to be president. That's her ambition, the first woman president. That's what this is all about."

I don't think Goebbels had the type of money that Meg has, 80 million in a primary!

Oh, and of course Meg didn't participate in the greatest act of genocide of the last century.

But yeah, Moonbeam, we are all Nazi's and we are coming for you!

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. Might as well let Meg know you are with her.

Dirty Harry Reid?

Apologies up front for this one...Don't ask, just go read this.

Aaron B. Gardner

I will be abstaining from the World Cup excitement.

I went out for the soccer team in high school, I was 4'6" at the time, and got cut for a cute girl who never played a game all season.

I haven't liked the game since.

I will admit to paying attention when Brandi Chastain* showed her ...errr, sports bra?


What can I say, I was a young soldier deployed to Bosnia at the time and Mia on the t.v. was the closest I was going to get to a woman.

Also, they call it Futball instead of Soccer and that annoys me.

So, no, I will not be joining in the chorus of praise for the World Cup.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. The U.S. better kick England's ass.

* I originally had Mia Hamm here instead of Brandi Chastain. A good fellow on twitter corrected my memory for me. Doesn't really matter to me since all soccer players look alike to me. ;)

#rsrh Auto-Tuned Ass Kicking News

I truly believe all the news should be auto-tuned.

Aaron B. Gardner

Ring Of Fire

I saw Social Distortion in Denver a few years back.

They played this song live and it was wonderful.


Aaron B. Gardner

Here Comes the Sun

It has been raining all day ... but "Here comes the sun".

This and more on the Abbey Road Album.

Aaron B. Gardner

P.S. If you like what I am doing here, don't be afraid to hit the tip jar.

Historical Moment Captured By Lego

Via ExJon at Exrban League

This one has got to be my favorite.


See the link at Exurban League for the rest.

Aaron B. Gardner
